All talks are held in Shere Village Hall at 8.00pm on the second Tuesday in the month. Visitors are most welcome, a donation of £3 would be much appreciated towards the cost of hall hire and speaker. No charge for Friends of the museum.
Programme for 2020
January Nothing planned
February Nothing planned
March 10th “Channel Island Concrete” wartime constructions in the islands by speaker Chris Shaw
April 14th “Golden Age of Radio” by speaker Richard Elsey
May 12th “Brooke” 100 years changing human & equine lives In the third world
June 10th Outing to CHATHAM DOCKYARD details tba
July Music Evening details tba
August Nothing planned
September 8th “Surrey Villages Then and Now” an Illustrated talk by David Rose
October 13th “Archaeological Heritage” of Surrey by speaker Dr Simon Maslin
November 10th “Lutyens” by speaker Stephen Arnold
December Museum AGM + Social details tba
Summary of the 2019 programme
There having been nothing planned for the winter months of January and February or for the summer holiday month of July, the programme was as follows:
MARCH Tuesday 12th. (Mr Michael Edwards, the speaker for the talk about the local life and work of Lutyens being unavailable) we will have a Talk about the days of steam railways by an entertaining speaker with a wealth of experience and who drove the last steam train out of Guildford.
Thursday 21st March . Bridge Tea organised by Maggie.
APRIL Tuesday 9th. Talk about local geology and how it affected the lives and industry of the Tillingbourne Valley by speaker Glen Cayley.
MAY Wednesday 22nd May. Outing to Bentley Priory Museum, Battle of Britain HQ Fighter Command. £20. including bus and entry. Departs from Shere Museum.
Friday 3rd May. Film Spitfire in Village Cinema.
Saturday 11th Museum Concert in Shere Village Hall
The Accidentals. A very entertaining Surrey-based band playing a varied selection of tunes from musicals, films and TV; theme tunes etc. e.g. My Fair Lady and The Pink Panther. Buffet included.
JUNE Tuesday 11th. Talk on the history and development of Shere Surgery by speaker Dr Graham Tyrrell.
AUGUST Possible Music Evening event; details to be advised nearer the time.
SEPTEMBER Tuesday 10th. Talk by David Rose subject being Guildfords Wartime Defences.
OCTOBER Outing to Amberley Museum.
NOVEMBER Tuesday 12th. Talk about the life and work of Sir Edwin Lutyens was cancelled and will be on the 2020 programme.
DECEMBER Shere Museum agm Details to be advised.